Medical Specialties

Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

Through Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, you can access a range of surgical and non-surgical treatments aimed at correcting and improving your appearance. 

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This specialty diagnoses, treats, and monitors skin diseases and conditions related to hair and nails, including also the venereological component.

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Aesthetic Medicine

Aesthetic Medicine

We offer a range of treatments to enhance your appearance and boost your self-esteem and well-being. Get your diagnosis and planning done with our professionals.

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smart aging anti-envelhecimento

Healthy Longevity/Smart-Aging

Healthy Longevity/Smart-Aging

Com o aumento da esperança média de vida, cada vez mais pessoas procuram não apenas viver mais anos, mas viver esses anos com qualidade, saúde e vitalidade. Envelhecer é um processo natural, mas isso não significa que devemos aceitar a perda de energia, mobilidade ou bem-estar como algo inevitável. A consulta de Longevidade Saudável/Smart-Aging, surge na exatamente com esse propósito: ajudar a viver mais e melhor, de forma ativa e saudável. O conceito de Smart-Aging baseia-se na ideia de que o envelhecimento pode e deve ser gerido de forma preventiva. Trata-se de uma abordagem personalizada que integra múltiplos aspetos da saúde física, emocional e mental, para que o processo de envelhecimento seja vivenciado de maneira plena. É uma consulta inovadora, desenhada para quem deseja manter a sua vitalidade, prevenir o surgimento de doenças e sentir-se bem em todas as fases da vida. O envelhecimento saudável não é apenas uma questão estética, mas sim uma forma holística de cuidar do corpo e da mente, antecipando-se às mudanças naturais que ocorrem com o passar dos anos. A consulta de Longevidade Saudável/Smart-Aging foca-se na prevenção e no tratamento personalizado, combinando conhecimentos médicos avançados com as mais recentes tecnologias em saúde, nutrição, exercício … Read more

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Gynecology (Vaginal and Vulvar Laser Therapy)

Regenerative, Aesthetic, and Functional Gynecology

Gynecology is dedicated to women's intimate health, focusing on both aesthetic and functional aspects, to restore quality of life.

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Vascular Surgery

Vascular Surgery

Medical specialty focused on the surgical treatment of diseases of the arteries, veins, and lymphatic vessels. At, with a special emphasis on laser treatment for varicose veins.

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Obesity Surgery

Obesity Surgery

The obesity surgery consultation is a crucial step on the path to a healthier and more balanced life. During this consultation, you have the opportunity to discuss your weight loss goals and evaluate the available surgical and non-surgical options.

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It is the medical specialty that studies, prevents, diagnoses, and treats disorders of the endocrine glands in the body (such as the thyroid, pancreas, adrenal glands, and pituitary gland).

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General and Family Medicine

General and Family Medicine

The General and Family Medicine Doctor is the specialist who works on the front line of the healthcare system, a generalist who sees all individuals who seek their care, regardless of age, gender, or illness.

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Comprehensive assessment of your health. Nutritional evaluation and dietary plans are the focus at B.Clinic.

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